Air Force Missions
AIR FORCE was an Avalon Hill game (previously owned by Batteline), and currently out of print, like the majority of the Avalon Hill catalogue. It was designed by S. Craig Taylor, Jr.
The game allowed players to handle individual aircrafts, battling in Europe during World War II. Using a fairly complex but, at the same time, incredibly fun system, the game portrayed 30 aircraft of the 1939-1945 period, including Spitfires, Mustangs, Me-109, Me-262 and B-24.
The game was based upon smartly designed color Aircraft Data Cards, that portrayed characteristics of the planes, such as speed, manoeuver, handling, fire power, damage absortion and others. Movement was simultaneous.
Players could play one another, or make teams of players, which was a great advantage of the game: it allowed a lot of players.
After the first release, Avalon Hill published a expansion to Air Force, called "Dauntless". This one had another 30 aircrafts, this time covering scenarios of the Pacific War.
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